Directions & Co-ordinates

From Prince Albert

Take the R407 in direction of Klaarstroom.

After 4.4km turn right onto the gravel R328 leading to Swartberg Pass.

After 12.8km turn right at sign marked Gamkaskloof and continue along this road for 52km to reach Boplaas gate.

From Oudtshoorn

Head North East out of town on the R328 for 52.1km up the Swartberg Pass.

Approximately 2 km after reaching the summit signed “Die Top” turn left at the sign marked Gamkaskloof.

Continue for 52km to reach Boplaas gate.

From Calitzdorp

Take the R62 direction Oudtshoorn turn left onto the Kruisrivier gravel road.

At Kruisrivier turn right heading to the R328 T-Junction. Turn left up the Swartberg Pass.

2km after reaching the summit turn left at the sign marked Gamkaskloof for 52km to reach the Boplaas gate.

GPS Co-ordinates

Lat: -33.36404753289379
Long: 21.58347845077515
Elevation: 413 m

For bookings please contact Rykie on 0833066715 or email or fill in the form.

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